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Our Videos
At Robert Ferguson Primary School we know how difficult it can be sometimes for busy parents to get into school to see things first hand or speak to a member of staff. This is why we are going to such efforts to make videos for you. Please speak to Mr Frost in response to any of our videos, or to suggest what might be useful information to include in a future video.
The Importance of Writing
See our interview with author, Philippa Gregory.
Reading: Introduction
It really is that important!
Spring 2017 Topics
The teaching staff have been having a go at green screen filming, and have produced this video introduction to the Spring Term 2017 topics.
Partial Solar Eclipse
Staff and children alike had a moment of awe and wonder on 20th March 2015 as the moon passed in front of the sun. The cloud cover and safety talks (and the availablity of two welding masks) ensured that we were able to experience this rare phenomenon as a whole school. We look forward to the next one in 2026!
Take a Look Around
Our 4 minute video tour was filmed in April 2015. The original footage was 11 minutes long.
Dreams can take you anywhere
Dreams can take you anywhere - a song co-written and performed by Year 4 pupils at Robert Ferguson Primary School and headteacher, Graham Frost. Through this project the pupils incorporated learning in art, drama, literacy, music and video creation.
Phonics: Introduction
Whether you are interested in phonics or not, we think you will enjoy watching our joyful video introduction to phonics, featuring three of our experts!
Comic Relief Dance 2017
Thank you for helping us beat our total for 2015 for which we were awarded the title of 'Super School' for fundraising. For Comic Relief 2017 we raised an amazing £1,580!
Comic Relief Dance 2015
Thank you for helping us raise an amazing £1,265 for Comic Relief 2015! The children and staff enjoyed our whole school dance so much, they asked to do it a second time!